Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey in disguise

Every year the kindergarten classes at my childrens school have a 'turkey in disguise' project. Basically they teacher gives the kids a picture of a turkey that they have to cut out and then disguise so that no one will know it's a turkey and eat it for Thanksgiving. They hang them up along the walls throughout the school and the parents can see them when they come to school for Thanksgiving dinner. I remember one of my kids decorated their turkey as a doctor and yet another one decorated theirs as Santa Claus. When Sophie brought home hers to decorate I just knew she was going to decorate hers as Hello Kitty. I was wrong. 
 I don't think you can even begin to imagine my surprise when she told me her turkey was going as a bottle of soap. When I asked her how she came up with that idea she informed me that the turkeys neck and head reminded her of the pump on the bottle of soap. Go figure.


Unknown said...

That is AWESOME and so creative. I love it!

Unknown said...


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