Friday, June 11, 2010

The ever changing room

Just in case any of you needed further proof that I have actually lost my mind I'll give it to you. This weekend I am going to begin what I have dubbed "The Paris Project".  A few weeks ago I was talking to Kylie and she happened to say (in such a wistful little voice) "You know mom, I still kind of wish that I could have a Paris room." Yes, she gave me the puppy dog eyes too. You see she has been wanting a Paris themed room since she was about four or five years old. I was going to do it a few years ago, but then Audrey freaked out. She absolutely did not want it and since they shared a room at the time we had to compromise. So during that time we have had the picket fence/garden room:
Then the fairy room:
Then they got on a fairy tale kick so we switched to princess:
That one was easy, pretty much just had to change out the quilt. Naturally the quilt and shams had been discontinued so I had to hunt on ebay for them and pay a sick amount of money for them.Then Kylie started first grade and fairies, princesses, and anything with characters was not cool anymore so then came the birds:
Then one day I was browsing ebay and ran across a great deal on a Pottery Barn Kids ladybug quilt set. Kylie had this set in her room when she was a baby so I had to have it. The kids weren't too thrilled with it so it didn't last too long.

Then of course I found the owl bedding from target and had to have it:

And now back to the Paris thing. I told her that I just bought her new bedding a few months ago and that I would consider changing her room in about a year. She was fine with that and then I happened to mention to husband. Mistake number one. He said, "you know I don't think that's a bad idea. She's always had to compromise and she's done so well in school and I think she deserves to have it." Okay, fine with me. He tells her that we'll probably do this for her birthday. Then he tells me "you know if you want we can go ahead and do her room now." Mistake number two buddy. So here we are. I was able to track down the bedding and I *think* we've settled on a paint color. Husband wants to rip out the carpet and put in wood flooring, but I think we may wait on that a little while longer. We're also wanting to do an awning above the window so if any of you crafty people out there have ideas on the best way to do that please let me know. And I am definitely open to any thoughts, ideas or suggestions you guys may have. For the room that is, therapy is out because I can never find a good sitter for the kids.


greygillfish said...

OH MY GOODNESS that is a lot of cute bedding. I can't believe how many times the romm has changed. My kids used the same nursery/bedding decor, and still have their same big kid bedding since moving out of the nursery, so I envy all these adorable changes. I can't wait to see the Paris room. You do a fantastic job of decorating their rooms!

What do you do with all those sets?? Hopefully, resell them and get some of your money back.

Lana said...

Sadly I think I still have most of those sets in the attic. I'm going to try to get them down sometime soon so that I can send them to goodwill. Shipping is really too expensive for ebay and I doubt the consignment shops would take them since they are for full size beds. I did tell Kylie that she better love this room because she is going to be living with it for a long time, lol.

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