Saturday, June 26, 2010


Some of you may remember this post where I was freaking out about my summons for jury duty. Well today I asked my husband if he would drive me downtown and show me where the courthouse is (it's for federal court and I had never been there) and help me figure out parking. We drove around the stupid one way streets for what felt like forever and finally I felt comfortable that I knew where everything was. On the way home I could feel my chest getting tighter and tighter just thinking about it. I know, pathetic right? Well lo and behold when we got in there was a message on our answering machine. It was an automated message (naturally) telling me that I don't have to go! I don't know who was happier, me because I don't have to go or my family because now they don't have to listen to me stress. I know probably no one else in the world cares, but I just had to share my relief and excitement, lol.

1 comment:

greygillfish said...

Glad you can finally breath a deep sigh of relief.

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