Friday, April 22, 2011

Random ramblings

  • My children have been on spring break this week. It's been a really relaxed, lazy time and I have loved it. I'm actually sad to see it come to an end and am already dreading school starting back next week.
  • Audrey has her first sleep over tonight and I'm nervous as can be. She's been dying to spend the night with one of her friends and got an invitation to a sleep over a week ago so she's insanely excited. Yes, I'll probably cry when I drop her off tonight. I'm such a sap.
  • I finally bit the bullet and joined twitter. I'm probably one of the last five people in America to open an account. What can I say I'm slow to change. I'm slowly, but surely trying to figure it out. If any of you want me to follow you on there just leave a link in the comment section and I will. 
  • I'm kind of, sort of wanting to do something new in my kitchen. It's really small so there's not a ton of change I can make beyond paint and accessories. If any of you are good at decorating (especially small spaces) I will gladly welcome any and all input. Or if you have some website/blog recommendations for me please let me know. 
  • I have a sort of big birthday coming up next month and I'm really, really starting to freak out about it.  

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